Minggu, 17 April 2016

Free Download BIOACTIVE NATURAL PRODUCTS by Steven M. Colegate and Russell .J. Molyneux

BIOACTIVE NATURAL PRODUCTS by Steven M. Colegate and Russell .J. Molyneux

In the context of this book, and its predecessor, bioactive natural products are those chemical compounds produced by living organisms that exert a biological effect on other organisms. This includes therapeutic activity for diseases of humans and animals, toxic activity responsible for causing human and animal disease, and selective, biodegradable toxicity to help combat pests that may adversely affect our endeavors to feed and otherwise service (e.g., protect cotton crops or plantations of timber used for construction, etc.) the human population. In some cases, these bioactive natural products are secondary metabolites produced by the organism to help protect itself within its own environmental niche. In other cases, the compounds may be integral to the everyday existence of the organism but have serendipitous activity in unrelated biological systems. This latter scenario is exemplifi ed by the search for novel bioactive applications for components of our food, for example, milk and egg-derived proteins. Several of the contributors to this book have commented on the vast potential offered by natural resources for discovery and development of new therapeutics. They have also commented on the dwindling of such resources in response to the expanding human population and its subsequent demands for food and increasing areas of land on which to live. The extinction of plant and animal species, as mankind encroaches on natural habitats, represents lost and irreplaceable resources, the full potential of which is unpredictable. In the same way, the infl uence of mankind on aquatic environments parallels that on the terrestrial habitats, with consequently similar concerns for loss of species yet to be investigated or even discovered. The loss of indigenous cultures, as other cultures become infl uential in an almost cancerous manner, is resulting in the loss of a fount of empirical ethnobotanical knowledge that has been acquired over the course of thousands of years. Indeed, several chapters in this book describe a heavy dependence on ethnobotanical and ethnopharmacological information.

Rabu, 13 April 2016

Free Download Immunology by Doan T, et al

Immunology by Doan T, et al

They are composed of single cells or particles, and as such, their need to distinguish themselves is seemingly simple. Their single cell or particle is “I,” and all else is “them.” They need to sense which of “them” is appropriate to mate with or perhaps to congregate with, but otherwise their version of self is limited by their own membrane. Multicellular organisms faced a new problem as they evolved. They gave up some of their independence to reap the advantages of being part of a greater whole—an organism composed of multiple semi-independent units. Initially, any such unit was pretty much like every other one within the greater structure, so extending the concept of self to include others that were essentially identical was perhaps a relatively small leap. “I” became “us” but only as multiples of “I.” As organisms became more complex and the different cells within a single organism began to engage in a division of labor, they generated an array of cells with different forms and functions.

Free Download Biochemistry for dummies for dummies by Moore T.J, et al

Biochemistry for dummies for dummies by Moore T.J, et al

Biochemistry For Dummies is an overview of the material covered in a typical college-level biochemistry course. We have made every attempt to keep the material as current as possible, but the field is changing ever so quickly. The basics, however, stay the same, and that is where we concentrate our efforts. We also include information on some of the applications of biochemistry that you read about in your everyday life, such as forensics, cloning, gene therapy, genetic testing, genetically modified foods, and so on. As you flip through this book you will see a lot of chemical structures and reactions. Much of the biochemistry revolves around knowing the structures of the molecules involved in biochemical reactions. If you are in a biochemistry course, you probably have had at least one semester of organic chemistry. You will recognize many of the structures, or at least the functional groups, from your study of organic chem. You will see many of those mechanisms that you loved/hated here in biochemistry.

Free Download Principles of Biostatistics by Marcello Pagano

Principles of Biostatistics by Marcello Pagano

Principles of Biostatistic is aimed at students in the biological and health sciences who wish to learn modern research methods. It is based on a required course offered at the Harvard School of Public. Health. In addition tohese graduate students, a large number of health professionals from the Harvard medical area attend as well.

Minggu, 10 April 2016

Free Download Biostatistics Decoded 2013 by John Wiley and Sons

Biostatistics Decoded 2013 by John Wiley and Sons

 Biostatistics is a science that allows us to make abstractions from instantiated facts, therefore helping us to improve our knowledge and understanding of the real world. Most people are aware that biostatistics is concerned with the development of methods and of analytical techniques that are applied to establish facts, such as the proportion of individuals in the general population who have a particular disease. The majority of people are probably also aware that another important application of biostatistics is the identification of relationships between facts, for example, between some characteristic of individuals and the occurrence of disease. Consequently, biostatistics allows us to establish the facts and the relationships among them, that is, the basic building blocks of knowledge. Therefore, it can be said that it is generally recognized that biostatistics plays an important role in increasing our knowledge of medical science, and health professionals in their routine clinical practice make extensive use of statistical information to reason about patients. When considering the likelihood of a given disease, clinicians need to have a lot of information about the clinical picture, diagnostic methods, treatment, prognosis, and prevention of that particular disease. More specifically, physicians use statistical information like the proportion of people in the general population who have that disease (the disease prevalence) or the annual rate of disease episodes (the incidence), the frequency of symptoms and physical signs in that disease (the clinical picture), the proportion of patients that have abnormalities in selected diagnostic tests (the test sensitivity), and the accuracy of each diagnostic test (the test specificity). However, clinical practice is not just involved in understanding the cause of the patients’ complaints. Clinical practice is largely involved in taking action to prevent, correct, remedy, or cure diseases. But before each action is taken, a decision must be made as to whether an action is required and which action will benefit the patient...........................

Sabtu, 09 April 2016

Free Download Essential Radiologic Anatomy for the MRCS by Currie S et al

Essential Radiologic Anatomy for the MRCS by Currie S et al

This book aims to provide you with a number of key advantages before entering the exam. Firstly, you will become familiar with a range of images of differing modalities (plain film, fluoroscopy, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging). Secondly, different planes of imaging are utilized, so that you will not be fazed by an unusual coronal or sagittal view. You are also provided with ‘favourite’ anatomy viva questions and concise but detailed notes. Finally, the anatomical notes are correlated with surgical scenarios enabling you to read around potential topics for clinical discussion.

Free Download Basic Statistics for the Behavioral by Heiman

Basic Statistics for the Behavioral by Heiman

The term statistics is often used as a shorthand for statistical procedures. These are formulas and calculations developed by statisticians that psychologists and other behavioral researchers employ when “analyzing” the results of their research. Also, some of the answers that we compute are called statistics. Why Must I Learn Statistics? Statistics are an integral part of psychology and other behavioral sciences, so statistics and statistical concepts are used every day. Therefore, to understand your chosen field of study, you must understand statistics. You’ve already experienced this if you’ve ever read a published research article you probably skipped the section titled “Results.” Now you won’t have to. What Do Researchers Do with Statistics? Statistics are tools used in research. They are needed because the behavioral sciences are based on empirical research. The word empirical means that knowledge is obtained through observation and measurement, and behavioral research measures behaviors. Such measurement results in numbers, or scores. These scores obtained in research are the data..............................................