Jumat, 01 April 2016

Free Download Biology-Source-Book by Sr. A. Joseph

Biology-Source-Book by Sr. A. Joseph

This source book may be used with any Biology textbook. It offers such as variety of ideas that any teacher should find something that fits into their own pattern of teaching. Teaching is such a personal art, that it would be wrong to suggest one simple approach to teaching Biology. To enrich Biology learning we must consider how to teach the subject as well as what we teach. 

The study of living organisms is called Biology. All living things have certain characteristics in common with each other. They are in dynamic equilibrium with their surroundings, constantly taking in some substances and giving out others;. While inside the organism many of these substances undergo changes. This process is called metabolism and it enables the organism to maintain a constant internal environment, regardless of external changes. Maintaining such an internal equilibrium is called homeostasis. Seven specific characteristics can be identified, which are shown by all living organisms at some stage during their life. These are growth, respiration, response to stimuli, movement, nutrition, excretion, and reproduction. Some of these characteristics can be shown by non-living things, but only living organisms carry out all seven of them. In addition living organisms are controlled by a programme of instructions contained in their genes, which can be passed on from one generation to the next. The smallest biological structure which is capable of showing all these characteristics of life is the cell. It can therefore be thought of as the basic unit of life.

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