Biochemistry by Satyanarayana
The term Biochemistry was introduced by Carl Neuberg in 1903. Biochemistry broadly deals with the chemistrv of life and living processesT. here is no exaggerationin the statement,'Thes copeo f biochemistrg is as uast as lilb itself !' Every aspect of life-birth, growth, reproduction, aging and death, involves biochemistry. For that matter, every movement of life is packed with hundreds of biochemical reactions. Biochemistry is the mostr apidlyd evelopinga ndm osti nnovatives ubjecti n medicineT. his becomese videntf rom the factt hat over the years, the major share of Nobel Prizes earmarked for Medicine and Physiology has gone to researchers engagedir : biochemistry. The discipline of biochemistry serves as a torch light to trace the intricate complexicities of biology, besidesu nravellingth e chemicaml ysterieso f life. Biochemicarle searchh asa mplyd emonstratetdh at all living things are closelyr elateda t the molecularl evel.T hus biochemistryis the subjecto f unity in the diversified living kingdom. Advancesin biochemistryh avet remendousi mpact on human welfare,a nd havel argelyb enefitedm ankind and their living styles.T hesei ncludet he applicationo f biochernistryin the laboratoryf or the diagnosiso f diseasesth. e products( insulin,i nterferon,€ rowth hormonee tc.)o btainedf rom genetice ngiineeringa,n d the possible use of gene therapy in the near future.
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